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We Are Not Alone 1.4.2 macOS


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We Are Not Alone

The world may be going to hell, but Riley's worries extend beyond that.

3 months ago Riley's Sister applied for a job with the Osiris Initiative, the world leader in medical technology. Despite initially having a way to contact her, daily communications have ceased. Something isn't right.

Attempting to locate her sister by using connections at her job, Riley is fired for gross misconduct with no answers.

Applying to be a test subject with the Osiris Initiative, Riley hopes to gain information on the illusive organisation and ultimately find her sister.

That is... if the experiment is as safe as they said.


Combining two beloved genres, first person horror with third person adventure, We Are Not Alone creates a new sense of suspense with its unique camera mechanic.

Looking through the camera allows safe exploration, as the creature can not meet your gaze.

Placing the camera down though, is essential to solving puzzles with both hands, yet it will leave you vulnerable.


  • Explore the vast complex, unlock the secrets of the experiment and ultimately attempt to escape with your life.
  • Solve puzzles using items found throughout your isolation.
  • Encounter a long lost piece of civilisation... that may not be so civil.
  • Use the camera to explore in first person and place it down to solve puzzles in third person.
  • Multiple endings based on player choices

Mac OS X 10.11 or later required






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En 5/4/2024 a las 13:57, javpin81 dijo:

No funciona el archivo 1 de ambos servidores.

en ambos pesa lo mismo, es muy probable que se te haya bajado mal.

Aparte, usa betterzip para descomprimir y firefox o chrome para bajar.

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hace 41 minutos, javpin81 dijo:

3ª vez que lo bajo y me dicen varios descompresores que el archivo 1 está corrupto. Igualmente gracias por tu trabajo e interés. Un saludo

Me lo baje de ddownload y lo extraje sin problemas. Te dejo los MD5 de los archivos .rar para que los compares con el tuyo y veas donde esta el corrupto.

weana142.part1.rar	340003f827aab6cf265c40217a8fc364	3e425ff2a133a47c5dcb839173f080963ae92811	
weana142.part2.rar	5c20e906f0c35d854c6bf46490e4d1cb	bb69fe37ba8288965a6f183ab7ba8d44cb1e4af3	
weana142.part3.rar	41e5efc15b7dc1217b13784218a71987	e85f8a76c53e7b8cc4553df964a3df9875984566	
weana142.part4.rar	5415b910b7be8f0f9c37edf8fa7453f9	defb5a4feeec03b0cf8fe715ab24148d696b27b4	
weana142.part5.rar	c4b1ba83fe0e5705ee9784bc6da9e8f9	78afa90001c2af6aafbed13d976ab2481e11b770
archivo                 MD5                                     SHA1

Abris la terminal, tipeas md5 y drag & drop dentro de la terminal la parte1, presionas RETURN.

luego la parte 2 y asi. Deben coincidir con las mias.

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