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Butler 4.4.7



Butler makes it easier for you to perform a wide variety of potentially recurring tasks. Just arrange these tasks in Butler's fully customizable configuration and assign one or more triggers to a task.

Available Triggers:

freely configurable system-wide menus in your menu bar/Butler's docklet
freely configurable pop-up menus -- triggered via hot key or hot corner (see below)
abbreviations -- e.g., enter "qt" to launch QuickTime Player
hot keys -- e.g., hit [F1] make iTunes switch to the next track
hot corners -- e.g., [shift]-[right mouse button click] in the lower left corner of your screen to pop up a menu that lists all system preference panes
events -- e.g., launch iChat when Butler starts up and the [option] key is not held

Possible Tasks:

launch applications
open files
access preference panes
manage bookmarks
search the web
run AppleScripts
extend the pasteboard
enter text snippets
simulate keystrokes
control iTunes

Intel, OS X 10.7 or later







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