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RO EDU - Commercial Products Retouching Photoshop Tutorial with Sef McCullough


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[b]RO EDU - Commercial Products Retouching Photoshop Tutorial with Sef McCullough[/b]
Size: 11.3 GB Type: Tutorial Year: 2022 Version: 2022


If you're looking to take your commercial retouching skills to the next level, look no further. In this tutorial, Sef McCullough - one of the world's most sought after digital artists - shares his advanced workflow secrets. You'll learn how to create stunning results with professional post-production techniques. So if you're ready to take your business skills to new heights, don't miss out on this essential guide.

In this tutorial, Sef McCullough - one of the world's most sought retouchers - shares his advanced workflow secrets. You'll learn how to create stunning results with professional post-production techniques. So if you're ready to take your business skills to new heights, start here and learn a bulletproof editing workflow.

If you're looking for a way to stand out from other retouchers in your market and get more clients, then learning these advanced Photoshop techniques is exactly what you need! This course will show you how it's done so that when people see your work they know instantly that it was created by someone who knows what they are doing.

Photoshop is a powerful tool for retouching images, but it can be hard to know where to start. That's why you need this tutorial. It will show you how to get the best results with professional post-production techniques. You'll learn everything from how to prepare your image, through color correction and lighting effects, all the way up to creating an awesome final composition in Photoshop CC.This course will teach you everything that Sef McCullough uses in his commercial photography workflows every day. He'll walk you step by step through his advanced retouching process including blending multiple exposures into one perfect photo; using layer masks; adding depth of field and light effects; as well as masking out areas like hair using channels and selections tools inside of Photoshop CC.




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