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Michael Mackintosh - Inner Self Image Program

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Michael Mackintosh - Inner Self Image Program

Discover the secret keys to personal change and achieve rapid growth within your life?

3 Simple Steps to Assist you in

- Overcoming Self-doubt and Lack of Confidence?

- Feeling Fantastic NOW &

- Making Fast & Effective Changes to Your Inner and Outer Worlds

Have you ever wondered WHY, despite all your attempts, it is so hard to actually make the changes and achieve the things you desire in life?

After so many workshops, programs, retreats, and books? why do you still feel the same? What will it take to make a profound difference in your life?

The Answer is so simple and small it can easily go unnoticed (it took me 10 years to work it out?)

Did you know, RIGHT NOW, at this very moment, you have an image of yourself within your mind? It is how you see yourself and your life. It is your ?inner self image.?

Your Inner Self Image is a combination of all your previous experiences, beliefs, and conditioning. This ?little blueprint? of who you are creates everything you are experiencing in your life right now.

The Inner Self Image Program, simple, yet extremely powerful, allows you to go straight to this place within to discover the root of all the problems in your life and effect permanent change.

STEP 1. Journey deep into your inner world

Guided by the meditation, you will journey deeply into your sacred subtle inner world to see and feel your CURRENT Inner Self Image.

Through this process, you will gain profound insights into your life, your patterns, and why things are the way they are now. This is healing in itself.

STEP 2. THE MAGIC: Transform your Inner Self Image

Once you have revealed your Inner Self Image, you will tap into this Limitless Source of Possibility. As this happens, as if by magic, your Inner Self Image transforms into a higher version of yourself, capable of changing your feelings, thoughts, and cells and sending out new vibrations to the universe.

STEP 3. Ground in the NEW YOU

Once you experience this shift, you will be open to accept this new reality. Feel it in your body, write it down & share it with others. This step enables you to go from inner fantasy to practical reality. In this step, you bring this NEW YOU into your practical reality and begin to realize real life shifts easily.


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