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The Visit Meditation Journey with Dick Sutphen

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The Visit Meditation Journey with Dick Sutphen

Lie down, close your eyes. Dick induces an altered state and the 3-D sound effects make the “mind movie” feel like a real experience. As the listening meditator, vividly imagine yourself in the situations being described and participate by doing the processes that are part of the adventure.

You are staying in a small house at the beach, when an evening visitor turns out to be Michael, one of your Master teachers. He normally works with you during sleep but the beach has relaxed you enough to make direct communication possible. Michael claims he can make your life easier by conducting some self-awareness processing in which you relate his words to your life. As the meditation progresses, he directs you to experience an ancient Mayan healing ceremony and then guides you through one of your highly-evolved past lives. Powerful lessons are learned. On the last track, you’ll be back at the beach merging your consciousness with that of a seagull. You will awaken rejuvenated and inspired to be more than you are.

This program is divided into five tracks, so you can experience the various segments any way you want after taking the initial journey.

These Meditation Journeys are divided into multi-tracks, making them easy to listen to one at a time.

Format: mp3

Language: English

Size: 100.79 MiB

Hoster: Uploaded


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