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Tai Chi for Beginners with Samuel Barnes

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Tai Chi for Beginners with Samuel Barnes

Tai Chi is well-known for bringing the mind, body, and spirit together to gain balance, prevent injury, and promote good health. Filmed on a tranquil location overlooking the Pacific Ocean, this program features two practices that offer personal one-on-one instruction and will allow you to experience the many layers of benefits this martial art has to offer. The first practice will revitalize and energize using the principles of Qi Gong. This Qi Gong series will focus on the breath and energy flow to prepare your mind and body for Tai Chi. In the second practice you will learn Tai Chi postures step-by-step, and then use these ancient flowing movements together in a moving meditation designed to increase the body’s natural energy. This powerful Tai Chi sequence will help clear your mind, reduce stress, enhance flexibility, and promote overall wellness.

Format: mp4

Language: English

Size: 1.1 GB

Hoster: Uploaded


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