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Ab Blast Workout with Bernadette Giorgi

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Ab Blast Workout with Bernadette Giorgi


mp4 | English | 1.1 GB


Just b Live - AB BLAST WORKOUT - The Just b Live AB BLAST DVD presents a focused workout aimed at strengthening your abdominals. Use an optional weighted ball or light hand-weight to help further engage the abdominals as well as to define and strengthen your entire core. A bonus BALLET workout is also present on this DVD, which is designed to give you a total body workout focusing on toning legs and butt while working on coordination and balance. The Just b Live series is an innovative new series of DVD workouts that puts YOU right into the studio with Bernadette Giorgi, the creator of the Just b method. These DVDs are the next best thing to taking a master class with Bernadette - each workout contains clear instructions and precise cuing for maximum results. Bernadette Giorgi is a certified Pilates and Fitness Instructor with a black belt in Soo Bahk Do Karate and has held national titles in forms and kick boxing. A former dancer with the Ballets Elan and Joffrey Ballet, Bernadette is a QVC-TV and Danskin Fitness Expert as well as the creator of the Just b Method.


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