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Pilates Lower Body Workout with Jillian Hessel

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Pilates Lower Body Workout with Jillian Hessel

The foundation of a strong body lies below the waistline — in the abs, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Concentrating on the lower half of the body can help you strengthen your abdominal core, or "powerhouse," which is the source of all Pilates movements.

Filmed entirely outdoors in the stunning Canadian Rockies, Pilates Lower Body Workout focuses on the muscles of the lower body, including the legs and feet. Certified fitness instructor and master Pilates trainer Jillian Hessel guides you through an invigorating workout that engages the powerhouse in unison with the breath. For those with limited flexibility and strength, instructor Tara Russell simultaneously demonstrates a modified version of the workout.

Format: mp4

Language: English

Size: 504.31 MiB

Hoster: Uploaded


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