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Intro to Yoga with Tamal Dodge

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Intro to Yoga with Tamal Dodge

Yoga has an amazing way of stretching and strengthening the body while calming the mind and restoring energy. Filmed in a serene garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean, these two sessions offer a comprehensive introduction to yoga so that you can begin at any level and continually progress. The Fundamentals program will take you step-by-step through the basics of yoga breathing, foundation postures and short vinyasa flows. The Intermediate sequence will introduce the next stage of postures and flow through a series of full sun salutations. Both of these programs will build strength and tone muscle while they improve balance, increase flexibility, release tension and allow you to start realizing the positive impact that yoga can have on your life.

Format: mp4

Language: English

Size: 1005.66 MiB

Hoster: Uploaded


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