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Faith Hunter - The 30 Day Meditation Challenge

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Faith Hunter - The 30 Day Meditation Challenge

Have you ever meditated? Have you thought about trying it out? Are you feeling stressed and looking for a way to find balance? Either way, we’ve got something huge for you. The completely free 30 Day Meditation Challenge with DoYouYoga Allstar Teacher Faith Hunter is here.

What is it?

The free 30 Day Meditation Challenge is your way to start 2015 in complete balance and total zen. For 30 days you will receive one 10-minute meditation class per day, right to your email inbox. You’ll get your zen on for 30 days, wherever you like. All you need to get started is an email address and 10 minutes per day to relax and let go. Join Faith Hunter and thousands of others on this amazing journey.

Who can do it?

Everyone! No experience or meditation skills required what so ever. This challenge is for you, me, your friends. Anyone, who wants to learn how to calm their mind and be a little bit less stressed-out can join. All you need is an email address and the motivation to bring some zen and balance into your life.

Who’s teaching it?

Meet DoYouYoga Allstar Teacher Faith Hunter! Yoga teacher & Lifestylelist, sprinkled with a dash of Louisiana charm. Faith began her life long love affair with meditation and yoga in the early 90s. She’s an international teacher, committed to sharing her knowledge and love for meditation with the world. Always eager to learn, explore, and share, Faith will be your inspiring and generous mentor on your meditation journey! Connect with Faith on DoYouYoga.

Format: mp4

Language: English

Size: 2.45 GiB

Hoster: Uploaded


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