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Yoga on the Edge with Sara Ivanhoe

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Yoga on the Edge with Sara Ivanhoe

Shot on location in the Bahamas, Yoga on the Edge contains these soulful programs - 'Sunrise' practice moves through postures quickly to wake the body up and going. It is the longest and most physically challenging of the three programs. 'High Noon' uses the serene surroundings to inspire breath and balance. 'Sunset' is a calming sequence designed to wind the body down after a hard day.

After years of making yoga videos in the studio, I wanted to create a series that was more spontaneous. The idea is that yoga happens in the moment and that we, as practitioners are affected by and connected to our surroundings. That way, every where we go, every time we practice, it's a little different. Yoga on the Edge was created for that purpose, to literally embody different locations around the world.

This first series was shot in Harbour Island, The Bahamas. I simply started practicing yoga inspired by my surroundings. You'll be able to see that none of the yoga was planned or rehearsed in anyway. I make mistakes, wipe my face and fall out of balancing postures, just like I do in real life when I practice, just like we all do.

Format: mp4

Language: English

Size: 2.18 GiB

Hoster: Uploaded


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