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Udemy - Scrum - An Introductory Course To Agile

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Udemy - Scrum - An Introductory Course To Agile


The business world and the IT world are both faced with changes on a large scale. Companies try to respond by cutting costs and hunkering down, but that just risks letting the world pass them by. At the same time, the IT world is trying to figure out how to cope with a torrent of change caused by cloud computing, SaaS, social media and consumer IT devices like iPhone, Android, IPad


Looks like its time to get agile and reinvent ourselves!


Scrum, the most popular of the Agile methods, is a management framework within which complex products can be developed. Scrum is derived from work in knowledge management, complex adaptive systems and empirical process control theory. It contains influences from observed software development patterns and the Theory of Constraints.


Format: mp4

Language: English

Size: 98.66 MiB

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