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Star Wars: Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith [Ultimate Edition]


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Imagen IPB







Composed by John Williams. Released in 2003.


Track Listing


CD 1 (70:25)


01. Fox Fanfare (Film Recording) - 0:23

02. Star Wars (TPM Main Title) - 1:30

03. War Drums - 0:16

04. Boys Into Battle I (Percussion) - 2:08

05. Boys Into Battle II (Percussion) - 0:46

06. Theyííre Coming Around (Percussion) - 1:46

07. Get Emíí R-2 (Percussion) - 1:31

08. General Grevious - 0:53

09. The Elevator Scene (Original) - 2:11

10. Count Dookuíís Entrance - 0:51

11. The Death of Dooku I - 1:20

12. The Death of Dooku II - 0:59

13. Going Down (Tracked) - 0:57

14. Grevious Flees - 3:27

15. Coruscantíís Warm Welcome (Tracked) - 1:14

16. Another Happy Landing - 0:40

17. Revisiting Padme - 1:52

18. Grevious Travels to Palpatine

19. Acording to Plan -

20. Scenes and Dreams - 1:53

21. You Die - 3:54

22. Be Careful of Your Friend - 1:13

23. Council Meeting I - 1:09

24. Council Meeting II - 2:59

25. Hold Me - 0:40

26. Palpatines TV Set - 5:18

27. Palpatines Big Pitch - 3:40

28. Battle of Kashyyyk (Tracked) - 2:16

29. Goodbye Old Friend - 2:37

30. Going to Utapau - 2:18

31. Riding the Lizzard - 1:26

32. Obi-Wan Fares the Droids - 0:20

33. Drawing Swords - 0:09

34. You are Doomed - 0:31

35. Fighting with Grevious (Tracked) - 0:32

36. Good Guys Arrive - 1:22

37. A Plot to Destroy the Jedi (Tracked) - 1:06

38. Palpatines Seduction - 2:30

39. Rolling With Grevious - 1:00

40. Fighting With Grevious - 1:35

41. Dialogue with Mace - 1:34

42. Padme's Ruminations - 1:41

43. I Am The Senate - 2:55

44. The Death of Mace - 2:36

45. Palpatine Instructs Anakin - 2:00


CD 2 (68:29)


01. Execute Order 66 (Tracked) - 2:01

02. Lament - 4:32

03. Bails Escape - 0:27

04. Swimming and Yoda's Farewell - 1:20

05. News of the Attack - 1:30

06. Moving Things Along - 1:58

07. Enter Lord Vader - 4:16

08. Anakins Dark Deeds - 2:15

09. Security Recordings - 2:36

10. It Can't Be - 2:24

11. A Moody Trip - 0:58

12. Padme's Visit - 2:59

13. Padme's Plea - 2:07

14. Herores Colide - 4:41

15. Duel of the Fates (New Vocal) - 1:37

16. Yoda Falls - 0:18

17. The Boys Continue - 0:45

18. Search for Yoda - Battle Continues - 1:26

19. Into Exile - 0:28

20. Battle of the Heroes - 2:43

21. The Immolation Scene - 2:41

22. Crawling - 1:02

23. Still Alive - 0:24

24. Yoda Meditates - 0:55

25. Landing on Coruscant - 1:03

26. The Birth of the Twins - 2:24

27. Padme's Fate - 2:11

28. Plans for the Twins - 1:38

29. Padme's Funeral - 1:30

30. A Home for the Twins - 1:47

31. End Credits I - 2:41

32. End Credits II - 2:48

33. End Credits III - 2:06

34. End Credits IV - 2:26

35. End Credits V - 1:50


CD 3 (52:31)


01. Fox Fanfare (1995 Recording) - 0:23

02. Battle Over Coruscant Suite (Album Alternate) - 6:22

03. Boys Into Battle (Album) - 2:05

04. They're Coming Around (Album) - 1:31

05. Battle Over Coruscant (Alternate Ending) - 0:21

06. General Grevious (Alternate Take) - 0:53

07. The Elevator Scene (Alternate Percussion) - 2:12

08. General Grevious Travels to Palpatine - (Choirless) - 0:50

09. Opera (Source) - 0:15

10. Goodbye Old Friend (Alternate insert) - 2:38

11. Rolling With Grevious (Percussion) - 0:56

12. I Am the Senate (Unknown Segment) - 0:05

13. Enter Lord Vader (Alternate) - 4:16

14. Anakin's Dark Deeds - 2:15

15. Heroes Collide (Film) - 2:36

16. John Williams Interview (WalMart Exclusive) - 3:15

17. Practicing End Credits - 0:38

18. Endlessly Compelling - 4:16

19. Battle of the Heores (Concert Suite) - 3:42

20. A New Hope - End Credits (Album Suite) - 13:05


Total Duration: 03:10:85 (320kb/s)


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